вторник, 24 августа 2010 г.

if i want to be skinny, why do i keep gaining weight?

so yeh summer is pretty much over. which is really really sad. and what is more sad is that its been so useless for me. i havent done anything. ive been wanting to do some work experience which i havent. and havent done driving lessons. and havent been to germany which were all my plans. this is so depressing. i see everyone travelling around the world having fun at the beaches and parties but all i do is spend my time home with occasional meetups with my friends(quite rare i must say). this suuuucks.
also i got my results....2 As, 1 B and an...E. like wtf??? for history?? if anyone only knew how long ive spent revising for this exam.. cant believe its an E. my teacher predicted me a B and said it was possible to get an A if i study hard enough which i did. well i still cant believe it.
life is unfair.

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